F.A.Qs |
Mean-field Ising free energy without external field
2D plot of a family of free energy curves for the mean-field Ising model for different temperature values in the absence of an
external field. The free energies are displayed as functions of the magnetization m.
3D plot of the Ising mean-field free energy as a function of magnetization and temperature. The colors correspond to the ordered (blue)
and unordered (orange) phases. The average magnetization is superimposed in the same color coding. Due to the absence of an external field
the surface is symmetric.
3D plot of the Ising mean-field free energy as a function of magnetization and temperature - side view. It is clearly visible here
that the free energy decreases rapidly with increasing temperature.
Tilted view on the above 3D plot. This view shows that the surface constructed with CShaprCalc is indeed a three-dimensional, textured mesh object.
Mean-field Ising free energy with external field
2D plot of a family of free energy curves for the mean-field Ising model for different temperature values in the presence of an
external field. The free energies are displayed as functions of the magnetization m.
3D plot of the Ising mean-field free energy as a function of magnetization and temperature. The colors correspond to the ordered (blue)
and unordered (orange) phases. The average magnetization is superimposed in the same color coding. Due to the presence of an external field
the surface is asymmetric.
3D plot of the Ising mean-field free energy as a function of magnetization and temperature - side view. It is clearly visible here
that the free energy decreases rapidly with increasing temperature.
Tilted view on the above 3D plot. The asymmetry is caused by the presence of an external field which distorts the surface.